Corridor Shooter of the Year – PotaTOOM’s Cautionary Tale About Standards of Conduct in Affiliate Marketing & YouTubing
Mullet MadJack has itself a detractor in the neophyte YouTuber PotaTOOM, whose machine is limited in power and thus gravitates toward Doom Mods and such. He is a reigning authority on whether you’re better off mod mixing in GZDoom or paying cash for something you are positive won’t be abject drivel. “Lesson learned,” he…
Last Train to the Coast – Media Depictions of Christians Will Improve if More Christians Participated in the Media Industries
I believe Stony Baloney offered a hint of curated wisdom the other day that delineates how anybody, not just a “Woke” type (woke = authoritarianism), can pull favor and cull foes. #1: Call someone names until you can control them. #2: Assume the moral high ground and talk down to people. #3: Accuse everyone of…
Two-For-One Special – And You’ll Wish it Involved Lara Croft Twice and Sony Zeroth Times
Lara Croft. She’s a fiery one, huh? I didn’t quite miss the franchise–I played very little of the very first game on my high school’s computers–but I was taken aback: this thing isn’t all that great, I thought. Much of this stems from preferring the anti-aliasing and other digital gadgetry that the N64, your…