WEIRDER THAN SOMETHING – The Actual Play-by-Play of a Typical Day at the Flea Market is Peculiar
So, you probably think I’m being overly positive if you read the previous post on being exuberant over a dollar. It just proves there is a market and it is possible to make money there. So long as that is true, then it is better than having no market or option. But, let’s be realistic:…
BETTER THAN NOTHING – Never Underestimate the Spiritual Value of Earning Even a Pittance on a Saturday
Guess what! Guess what! I made a buck! Yes, that’s right: one whole dollar today on Saturday. For context in case you showed up well after a year this one has been up, I went to the Grafton Flea Market’s first Saturday in a long, long time. I mean, well before I frequented it regularly,…
SKY’S THE LIMIT – Business Blogs Cannot Afford to Rest on Laurels Regardless of AI
If you know anything about this blog or of the poor sap writing its main body of information, you might have heard about the Grafton Flea Market. This is the one in Massachusetts–a long-runner, rich with history and cheap with prices. Becoming a vendor is painless enough and the lot always has something for everybody.…