START MAKING MONEY FOR PEOPLE YOU LOVE!!! – Yeah, This Moral was a bit Forced but, Hey, at Least the Force is a GUY IN REAL LIFE

Slick, I’ve given money to people who hate me through my emotional labor at the convenience store–this British company that bought out the brand and insists on raising the prices on coffee to ludicrous levels without ever considering the allure of it over other competitors (namely, its price, it’s self-serve, and it’s still better-tasting). I am convinced that the tea-sucking wankers over there absolutely despise me despite the fact that neither of us have never met in person and, when push came to shove, we’d be startled to discover just how much we A) have crooked teeth ala New Englander style; and B) love big tits, doctored or not.

Now, bear with me fellow Islanders; I’m about to try something. Read the following and tell me it’s done by less than one living, breathing authors hanging around, drinking coffee in YouTube’s lowest-imaginable depths:


the notion that you must “know” someone to hate them
lays bare a fundamental misunderstanding of how human conflict originates.

I don’t know if I agree, because by this same logic black people in the 90s were wrong for no longer buying Tommy Hilfiger when it was alleged that he said he didn’t want them buying his clothes, even though it did come out later that he never said that, a lot of black people stopped buying his clothes for a time because it just felt wrong walking around essentially advertising his brand by buying and wearing his clothes, I know personally I would have felt like a punk

That’s the thing about bigotry – it’s blind hate, you don’t have to know everyone personally. If you despise any group because of race, gender, sexuality, political belief it’s wrong.

TBH, I don’t think it’s the “celebrities” in Hollywood that are generating the hate, it’s the executives, and money people who have final say over what goes into the content that gets put out. I would also say that the modern crop of writers are more responsible for this hate narrative than the celebrity actors are. I think Celebrities are chafing between those people with their agendas and the audience that is getting more aware of and annoyed by said agendas. At this point, I would go so far as to say in a lot of cases the ONLY part of modern movies that audiences still generally like are the actors, as the really good ones have been doing the thankless job of trying to make the worst of these movies bearable through charisma, dedication, and sheer willpower.

Everyone fangirls over Henry Cavill pointing out that audience “hatred” is really just audience passion, as well as his overall nerd cred as evidenced by all the stories about how he fought with the writers to make the Witcher something that fans wouldn’t hate. That story, like other similar stories about modern writers with agendas, highlights that the problems with wokeness in media are being perpetuated by writers who are endorsed to push their agendas by executives, rather than celebrities who mostly just want to be associated with properties that are both good and well-received. I’m pretty sure writing in film faces the same problem that you’ve pointed out about writing in comic books: underpaid people who are generally talentless and only hired for their identity statuses will push communism and identity politics because it’s basically all they know how to do. Writers get paid for their talent, but unlike technical professions it’s a lot harder to accurately assess the value they add to a project, so executives and money people see them as an easy place to shave budgets. This is made worse because not every “good” movie needs good writing, and good writing does not guarantee that a movie will be successful.

“They don’t hate You…they don’t Even know You”.
And yet they supported ppl who ACTUALLY hate us.

Zack, remember progs are very collectivists…and they tried to transform EVERYTHING into a weapon.

They not just don’t hate the individuals…THEY HATE THE GROUP…INCLUDING THE INDIVIDUALS.

Well…now they will pay the price.

And not gonna lie, i really feel Bad for the ppl that just wanted to work…
But thats why it needs to be like the Phoenix.

The ones who will rise, will rise.
Those who will not…will not.

Hollywood was actually ROTTEN, but this just Made it worse…

We live in a post-media consuming era.

Lets just focus in coherent stories and let the fans come.

Just slow down for a bit. I get it and it’s bullshit but you’ve dedicated an entire channel to cataloging childish and overlapping antics in a outdated industry. That is a bit lame in itself. I don’t know how else to put it.
I agree. I enjoyed Furiosa, BUT (and this is a big “but”) I wouldn’t’ve seen it if someone else — whose opinion I trust — hadn’t seen it first, and said it was fun, and she wasn’t a Mary Sue like Rey.

I won’t miss seeing a good movie just because so many other movies are trash. But I also won’t make the mistake I made with The Last Jedi — seeing a movie before hearing a review from a NON-professional person who likes the same kind of movies I do.

Furiosa had great post-apocalyptic vehicles and chases and characters and everything I look for in a post-apocalyptic movie, and I’m happy I saw it on a movie sceeen.

They got to him. They got our boy Zack

Glad you’re back on your feet, Zack. Hope it continues for you!

Btw, Zack, have you seen the Civil War movie? If you did, what’s your take?

They don’t know me, but if I give them money they can/will donate it to people/causes that I don’t agree with or impact me in a way I disagree with.

Personally, I don’t see hate as the opposite of love. It’s indifference. And while I’ve been noticing you criticizing YouTubers for dogging movies like Furiousa, the movie reviews on YouTube I watch that I would consider definitely not woke, liked it (critical drinker). But to be fair, mad Max isn’t a favorite universe of mine anyway.

And I do admit, after the past decade, can you blame me for not being interested in seeing entertainment in the West, where the direction is to take a traditionally male lead franchise and it’s replaced with a female? I’m not saying they shouldn’t or can’t, I’m simply stating I’m conditioned to pattern recognition over the past decade. That’s not a me problem, that’s a them problem.

I don’t agree with your stance on antiSJWs pushing back too much, but I do believe it’s unfair for you to be so harsh on comics, and then criticize people who are harsh on Hollywood.

For example, Doomcock here on YouTube is toxic in general in most of his videos….but he isn’t wrong lol. I think we could agree maybe that the “points made are correct, the delivery is too strong”?

You aren’t being “gaslit,” you are just wrong.

If you don’t know what channels people are watching that are controlling their every thought, is it possible these channels don’t exist? Because they don’t. You are attributing cause and/or effect to something that is neither a cause, nor the effect. You are just wrong. Not gaslighting. No divorced dentist in their 40s (your audience, the one you are currently at war with) does what YouTubers tell them to do simply because a YouTuber told them to. That may work for a tweener watching a Twitch streamer, but not us. We listen and factor and make up our own minds.

Using a 6 year old video that has not been disavowed, from a person who has not changed their opinion, but rather doubled down on it, is not an SJW tactic. It’s not disingenuous, it’s not lacking context and it’s not taking out of the context of 10 years ago and inserting it into a whole different present context. You aren’t being gaslit that this is a bad example, you are just wrong.

Veebs is not an anti-SJW app. It does not do any of the beyond ridiculous things you think it does. It’s obvious you haven’t used it, which I don’t think you would deny, but it’s also obvious that the point you are making is just wrong. Again, that’s not gaslighting, that’s just reality. I actually used it for a month. It was not terribly helpful for me and I found the idea of scanning every product before I bought it tedious and irrelevant so I cancelled and uninstalled it. This is the difference between an informed opinion and everything you said. Maybe you were trying to be funny?

Celebrities aren’t important, it’s the companies. Paying Disney is not giving money to celebrities. No one thinks or says this. “Stop giving money to companies that hate you” is what people say. Again, not a gaslight, you are just wrong. And make no mistake, these companies hate you and me. Now, you can try to gaslight us with this bullshit that the implication of that statement is a personal one, that they hate me, specifically. Obviously that’s not what anyone thinks; that’s beyond stupid. We all know they don’t know us. I didn’t stand face to face with the Taliban but I still hate them. These companies tell us they hate us. They hate us purely for the fact that we don’t march in lockstep with them. And giving them money is stupid. Now, if the entertainment product they offered wasn’t dogshit, I probably wouldn’t care. Bob Iger could walk around in a MAGA hat all day long and the shows on Disney are still dogshit. I don’t give them money because the product is trash. And they hate me, which makes it easier not to pay them.

Something I’ve been complaining about for YEARS, which you didn’t mention (few people do), are the “interviewers” who ask the questions.

Now, some few rather brilliant celebrities know how to answer the questions. Dolly? She’s professional. She’s Old School and not going to let anyone know who she votes for. Henry Cavil? He doesn’t think of them as “toxic fans” he reminds himself that they are passionate about the subject. Michael Jordan points out that Republicans buy tennis shoes, too. But “interviewers” will ask 18 year old idiots about world events and politics. What put me over was when someone asked JUSTIN BEIBER about current politics. No one could POSSIBLY think that Justin Beiber, a teenager at the time, had a relevant opinion.

So I see that screen shot of the girl being interviewed by…Noah? It was 100% up to him to bring up the subject and ask the nitwit the questions. Why?

I think that there ARE celebrities who “hate me”. Generally they make a great effort to be “politically active”. Ruffulo comes to mind. Rob “Meathead” whatshis face. George Takei. Oh, and whatshisface who choose freely to go rant in front of the courthouse in New York.

But the kids who are cornered by interviewers? I get mad at the interviewer.

The other thing was your description of military not hating the enemy. There are a few, sure, but it’s one of the things that disgusts me about some “civilians”, particularly the ones who try to wear the Virtue of past generations by how much they can hate dead people. Every time someone starts in about Confederate Soldiers being “Traitors” who deserve eternal hatred despite being some random dude who was “on the other side” I want to puke. It’s WRONG. It’s rotten to the soul. Our Navy honors ALL military lost at sea, not just Americans, even if we’re the ones who sunk their boat. Our Army check point guards saluted Saddam’s defeated uniformed army officers as they often walked home across the entire country in a ragged uniform.

I know this is a total off-subject tangent but I was DISGUSTED by the people who pretended they were personally part of killing Bin Laden because they EMOTED in an excessive manner and had done their best to undermine our war efforts and make Bush weak. The more excessive the emoting about killing Bin Laden the more you could be SURE that they had been chortleing and laughing about “My Pet Goat.”

So… there’s two TL;DR rants. Ha!




I’ve hooked up an X96-what’s-it box to my television, which means I can stream television channels and even movies without much thought or increasing my cable bill to a prohibitive monthly rate. From this newfound power, I have been watching 24/7 South Park and dirty movies.  Before I did this wonderful thing, which let me focus on my biz better than by pure reliance on the computer with internet, Richard Meyer, or Ya Boi Zack (aka the Comics Matter YouTube channel), has gone out and protested the anti-woke types on the platform for dissing the Furiosa movie.

We need to talk, folks. No, seriously, someone must bring this up. You see that long, engrossing rant up above where I actually started writing? Yeah, those are all YouTube comments and I’m not sure where they start or end. I copied the text and pasted it into one long spiel, just to see how it would look. Now, I did that for about ten straight minutes, just combing through the comments section for the video I linked up above. And you might be able to piece the puzzle together and find out who said what with some text search program in case you want to know whose account spat out the vitriol.

And, I wrote this during my bedtime in about ten minutes. I suppose you can see the differences from how others write and how I write, namely the topic I am covering. I didn’t even listen to the video since I know Rick isn’t too happy with how people are being hard on him for having an unpopular opinion.

Well, I’m going to shatter your minds: I think South Park is awesome.

South Park predicted the future in many instances and elucidated many of the things that I have seen online such as the mental breakdown of ChrisChan, courtesy of social exclusion, isolation, and derision (Cartman murdering his stuffed animals in horrific ways as a consequence of being singled out by an anti-fat mandate that dragged the whole school down in the eyes of the Obama administration), or of a penchant among conservatives and unions to do nothing and form ubiquitous circle jerks together (i.e. the “THEY TOOK ‘ER JERBS!” episode). Even the episodes featuring or deriding celebrities was eye-opening. The gig with Paris Hilton was mesmerizing, although the ones about Michael Jackson have not aged terribly well given he was never a pedophile or sexual predator.

Thus, I choose to watch more South Park. Even the 24/7 Animaniacs channel pales in comparison. I think it has to do with my penchant for abject toilet humor and overwhelming agreeableness amid polite society or while working. It’s a great way to blow steam and be centered with something playing in the background as you work.

Anyway, I come back to the internet world and Rick’s icy reception by comments online over his takes has only gotten worse. In this episode in a long-running series, he makes it a point that nobody is off the hook in terms of what’s to blame for the state of entertainment. Remember that dude reacting to when Rey backflipped over a TIE fighter barreling in for the kill? Yeah, he was excited to see a movie. That isn’t something to chide, although the “Consume/Wait-For-Product/Consume” meme pulled his visage along for its ten cent ride. While I get the sentiment, I see the method for what it is: utterly demeaning and dehumanizing.

Richard Meyer is a United States Armed Forces veteran with a penchant for no-nonsense stances. Frankly, he sees nonsense with both sides. It seems contradictory to assume celebrities hate you, and the vitriol fuels their little war against you, but what Meyer points out is that celebrities are stuck inside a vacuum and have no believable or graspable reference to the outside world.

Considering there is a bit of skin from everyone in this multifarious gambit, the net had a field day in disparaging Rick for trying to state something major, reiterating that the celebrities still did what they did and should be punished and this and that. If you have read thus far, you may assume I am taking Rick’s side. Well, I can’t. You see, I never watched the video. I just posted it. You can watch what you want, but it’s there in case you want to come up with your own decisions about the matter.

What I am getting at, however, is that today, I made about thirty bucks selling at the Flea Market. While I do feel proud, considering it’s more than what I’ve been raking in this past week outside my job, I also worry that the major items I’ve sold are luggage cases that I used to transport my wares in the first place. It made for a messy trunk. I worry about the logistics of my hobby far more than what Mr. Meyer is saying, and a fuckload more than what others in the comment section, unwittingly telling YouTube’s market algorithm that they are engaged and that others could be as well, are claiming about Meyer or what he should believe, or what he needs to revise in his opinion. That, my friend, is the apotheosis of calm, polite society.

There are two terms, both acronyms, that demonstrate without a doubt that the internet makes you stupid, particularly in how they are very easy to circumvent or address: GIFT & GIRL. GIFT stands for the Greater Internet Fuck-Wad Theory, coined by Penny Arcade and confirmed by the psychology term of proximity disinhibition. The closer you are to a subject, the more you’ll think twice no matter what or how you think of someone, and vice versa. GIRL stands for “Guy In Real Life”, which touches upon the proclivity of guys to play as female characters in role-playing games (I always chose Rena Langford when I slid Star Ocean: The Second Story into my Play-Station and not just for balance reasons) as well as the obfuscation of gender in online parlance.

You know how to avoid the both of these? BY GETTING TO KNOW PEOPLE! Even if you come to hate them anyway and think life would be better if they weren’t close enough to breathe down your necks, you would be more than ecstatic to have at least interacted with another human being. It is harder when you have some sort of neurological tic that keeps you from reading social language, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try at all. Does anybody in the spliced uni-rant up top know Richard Meyer enough to understand him? I’m willing to bet these guys hate him for no reason at all. Do they interact with other humans?

I went outside and made thirty bucks by selling the packaging of my contents. That tells me I should go out and find either more packaging or stuff that they might want and put it in the packaging for them. I’m sure I wouldn’t have caught onto that without going outside to begin with. I saw an episode of South Park where Kyle lifts people’s monetary debt off of their accounts so they can buy stuff again and have some faith in the economy during a hard time where people stopped buying stuff to improve their lives, regressing to that particular spot in the Iron Age that saw our Savior show up at last. That made me think real hard about how recessions even happen: not through debt, but lacking faith in others’ value and willingness to trade. Richard is saying celebrities are not at fault–our distrust in everyone’s motives is–but all these assholes dwelling online, including the bots, are convinced that his staring them down is somehow logically incorrect? Do I even need to show you just how stupid this is?

Look, if you think Rick’s being a bit mean, he’s that in spades. He tore up lackluster comics and made it a point to harangue the carnie gig that is the comics industry. He tore up the bad stuff, though–he was a reasonable man back then as well–but now, with that whole Furiosa movie flopping thanks to an unconfident buying public, everyone is quick to clutch pearls and feign outrage (or drink upon it’s quick release of dopamine, take your pick) because they want to think their hatred of industry practices justifies its destruction, and that for some stupid reason, there will be a brand-new industry that pops out of nowhere.

Not with everyone being this faithless. Speaking of faithlessness, renowned comedian George Carlin, in his first printed book Braindroppings, discussed the fate of professional sports. According to him, men played these sports in vacant lots and parks because they enjoy competing. If the industry around them suddenly disappeared, they would continue on without batting a lash, returning to those lots and parks. Of course, being a pessimist around anything to do with priests and traders, Carlin lamented how aimless bystanders would look on, and some businessman would play middleman and charge admission, cultivating an industry that would collapse once again. So, what? You really think a bunch of poser transgender SARM goblins can erode public confidence in women’s sports so bad that it just goes away, and the girls will go back to school or sports on their own dime, and that someone will create a new industry out of the ashes like a fucking phoenix?

You’re playing around with abstractions, okay? There is no intrinsic value in paper, cloth, or metal, but it sometimes feels cool to see what stuff is made when people are willing to work towards it. Leave it be and watch what wonders may appear. How hard is that? You’re already bystanders jeering on someone in the actual cultural trenches. Whenever people try to look into the future and then see the future come back, looking to work for next to nothing because it may spawn a better future than the one they’re served, only to then complain that “THEY TOOK ‘ER JERBS!” and engage in non-productive sex orgies with themselves to alleviate the overwhelming stress and underlying insecurity at losing one’s sense of real purpose and vocation (or the extrinsic rewards that they had grown accustomed to receiving for their trouble), then that, my friend, is the gambler’s fallacy. Past events do not dictate future winnings; the study of statistics is for D&D nerds.

In short, there is no “Industry”. And people are too ignorant of each other to actually hate. What Rick described in warfare was how the soldiers themselves are not motivated by hatred, but rather fear or losing life and limb over a stupid mistake. I hate making mistakes more than I love making money. It’s not a good position. Such is the case in warfare. He described how everyone hides behind the one up in front and advances slowly, taking great pains not to end up shot. War casualties often stem less from the actual violence and more from the tiredness, famine, or pestilence. And all that stems from being very, very paranoid about making mistakes. A common and cloying disparagement among liberals is to treat the conservative movement as driven by fearmongering, that the conservative mentality is far more susceptible to fear when, in reality, the absence of fear endemic of the idiotically progressive left causes far more problems than it ever solves, but conservatives are way too chicken to illuminate their  covertly “compare/contrast brethren” to the truth.

Everyone assumes that bigotry stems from hating other people. True bigotry is the notion that one’s opinions have higher merit than others’, which has no bearing on actual hatred. It foments hatred–people hate hearing that their arguments are invalid just because there’s a picture of something that isn’t even part of the subject. That level of patronizing contempt for having to hear someone bitch about the honest-to-God truth (i.e. Rick is right in saying we doomed Furiosa to fail because we lied about its own content, believing the pattern of antipathy between us and Hollywood was an appropriate predictor of future turmoil) is enough to make me admit to having attended college for a few months, whereupon I heard the story of Oedipus Rex.

His ruling-entity parents were told by prophets and advisors that he’d kill them, so they tossed him into the woods all Sparta style, but he survived, grew up, unwittingly and accidentally murdered his father, won a contest and married his mother, then had a family with her via incest. He struck himself blind on discovering the truth of what he did. Intentions didn’t matter, of course, but if his parents didn’t listen to those batshit seers all hyped up on cavern fumes (the Oracle of Delphi literally deprived herself of oxygen and hallucinated shit and passed on what she saw to impressionable exemplars of ancient culture), then they would opt to raise Oedipus as one of their own, so he’d grow up happy and not tell the Sphynx to go kill herself because her riddle is dumb.

Richard Meyer is no prophet, but he believes in the intrinsic value of comics and entertainment, and is willing to venture into their development in order to either preserve what’s good or create what’s good. His acerbic side is out to kill what’s bad. What’s not to love? Is it appropriate to talk down to those who would disparage him instead of confront their own insecurities? I don’t know. Jesus had a bull whip in his hands that one time the money changers were bilking the faithful at the temple, mixing marketing with mission work and also shortchanging people. In a sense, someone has to point out a hard truth. That seems to be Rick’s mission. Doing it through a media industry growing evermore corrupt, not out of the owner’s malfeasance and incompetence, but by a rather apathetic, resigned, disaffected peanut gallery, has to be one of the boldest moves imaginable. Working within a system that works regardless of imperfection because it’s the right thing to do is an ultimately laudable deed. I insist you try backing Rick’s books if his wit on YouTube is any indication of his comic book writing style.

But, yeah: he’s an acerbic douche when he wants to be and there’s no doubt about it. Stop being a bunch of sissies and go meet people in real life. See if you can get anyone on board with your mouthing off at someone who doesn’t even know you. I know you’re well-skilled, but use it on something that matters!

Good hunting. Dismissed!

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